(originally posted June 5, 2020)
Hello All,
This is to let you know that Walkers Cay will be coming back and be the sportfish destination again for the Abacos! We are dredging the channel and working on the land as I write this. At this time, we cannot say exactly when we will be open for the public. The new Walkers Cay will not have any memberships and we are not selling any land or slips. It will have Customs, airport, small hotel, 14 feet at low tide channel 150’ wide, with large and small yacht dockage, bars and restaurants and much more! The rates will be similar to what other marinas in the Bahamas charge. Please stand by for more updates…
Fuel dock is open, Marina is open $5 a foot including water and power. Nothing on shore yet. Need to make reservations in advance.